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 About the Federation

 The Federation President

 Office Bearers

 Welfare Services

 Affiliations and Networking

 How you can help us

 Vocational Training

 The Federation Projects

 SLFVH Choir and Musicians

 Sports and Games

 White Cane Day

 Braille Equipment

 Related Links

 Accessibility Tips

There are many service organisations, private establishments and individuals who have helped our Federation through the years. We take this opportunity to sincerely thank all those who have generously assisted us in various ways; whether big or small they all gave their mite to make up a significant contribution. Without their involvement we could not have expanded our organisation to what it is today, in a strong position to serve the visually handicapped in new and innovative ways.

This website is proudly sponsored by
Hatton National Bank Limited
National Savings Bank
Commercial Bank


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Sri Lanka Federation of the Visually Handicapped
No 74 Church Street,
Colombo 02,
Sri Lanka.

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